There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. -- Ernest Hemingway

星期六, 8月 16, 2008


去年當兵領到退伍令的時候,偶然的看到陳水扁接受CNN Talk Asia的專訪,面對美國有線電視CNN節目主持人質疑第一家庭的收賄疑雲,陳水扁這句答辯令我印象深刻。

History will clear my name. (歷史將會還我清白)

我ㄧ向痛恨政文,政治部落格是偏執狂的俱樂部。所以本格從來沒有貼過有關於政治的文章,從高捷勞工暴動、陳哲男收賄聲押、總統夫人的珠寶還有禮卷、趙建民的台開案、巴紐案、南線專案,... 我都保持緘默,不想也不必要去捲入問與答永遠的意識形態鬥爭中。這幾年我發現支持綠色這邊的人永遠都是"法院還沒有判啊"、"國民黨也是怎樣怎樣"、等等以轉型正義的陣痛期來掩飾。



The case regarding the Special State Affairs Fund is undergoing the first trial. Everybody knows that in Taiwan, only the President is endowed with a Special State Affairs Fund.I want to point out very clearly that not a penny has gone into private pockets. We have used all of the state funds on secret diplomatic work and also on work related to national security.


I'd like to say that these cases are not as simple as they seem the judicial cases. They are actually political cases. This is a phenomenon during the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Maybe we could call it a growing pain on our road to democracy. But I believe that our judiciary branch will prove that we are innocent, and history will clear my name.


Regarding the case of my son-in-law, who has been charged with insider trading, for which the first trial has been completed -- the result of which he's going to appeal -- we believe that eventually the evidence will speak for the truth.

(回答關於趙建民的官司) 我們相信最終證據會說話。

Q. Many people have said that because of the scandals that have surrounded you and your family of late, that that's actually how your presidency is going to be remembered. How do you respond to that, how would you like your leadership to be thought of in 10 or 20 years from now?

主持人: 許多人說最近環繞你還有你家人的醜聞會讓總統您的名字在歷史上留名,你認為十年或是二十年後的歷史將如何看待你的領導能力?

A: I think the temporary noise will soon subside and our judicial system will prove I am innocent and history will also clear my name. At the end of the day, people will remember that it was in my hands in the year 2000, we have completed the first-ever peaceful transfer of political power and the first alternation of political parties in power.






二次世界大戰後的紐倫堡大審,許多的有識之士頓然省悟捫心自問,1940年間的德國知識份子在哪裡? 為什麼會讓國家機器給一個法西斯納粹狂人帶往失控的邊緣? 為什麼一向以理性自居的德國人會縱容獨裁的暴君蹂躪撕裂歐洲的民族情感? ...在選舉式的語言中,我們是否忘了當初的理想與初衷而默許了獨裁,為了台獨的大纛而忽視了道德價值觀與自我約束?

前人不忘後人之師,盼望主政者想想老蔣年代,一台中古別客轎車開了十餘年節儉的精神,還有已故的前行政院長 孫運璿先生,在選手的比賽權利與中共的打壓下能夠不亢不卑找到平衡與出路,找來逾百位文字學者與產官業界字字錙擬出了「中華台北」這四個字。不計較個人得失損譽,不以小義小利為方向,期待能在這個混沌的政局中能有一個二十年後人們還會記得、懷念的領袖。

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

寫得很好!I'm agree!
