There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. -- Ernest Hemingway

星期日, 5月 09, 2021


 身為一個科技宅,早上看到這篇報導寫著「英特爾 CEO:兩年趕上台積電!」心裡頭犯滴咕,英特爾的執行長又不是中國小粉紅,做晶片也不是搞大煉鋼,砸錢砸資源可以超英趕美。稍微對晶片產業關注的人都知道,做晶片的技術力不是短期五年十年用大量金錢可以趕上的,更別提只要花兩年了,怎麼一個科技業的龍頭會說這種外行話?

於是用關鍵字找到 CBS 節目專訪的稿子,比對一下 Inside 的翻譯與原文:

Perhaps the biggest stumble was in the early-2000s, when Steve Jobs of Apple needed chips for a new idea: the iPhone. Intel wasn't interested. And Apple went to Asia, eventually finding TSMC: the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company – today, the world's most advanced chip-manufacturer, producing chips that are 30% faster and more powerful than Intel's. Lesley Stahl: They're ahead of you on the manufacturing side. Pat Gelsinger: Yeah.

Lesley Stahl: They're ahead of you on the manufacturing side.

Pat Gelsinger: Yeah.

Lesley Stahl: Considerably ahead of you. 

Pat Gelsinger: We believe it's gonna take us a couple of years and we will be caught up. CBS NEWS    


「他說,美國晶片業勢力最大受挫之刻,可能是在 2000 年代初,當時蘋果故執行長賈伯斯需要 iPhone 晶片,但英特爾不感興趣,之後蘋果到亞洲找尋合作夥伴,最後找到台積電,而台積電現在生產的晶片運算速度比英特爾產品快 30%,效能也更強大,製造技術領先英特爾,英特爾認為將需要花兩年趕上,「我們將心無旁鶩」。

.... 台積電現在生產的晶片運算速度比英特爾產品快 30%,效能也更強大,製造技術領先英特爾,英特爾認為將需要花兩年趕上,「我們將心無旁鶩」。」INSIDE

找到兇手了。這邊的 "couple of" 在口語裡頭說的不是「兩個」,而是「幾個」的意思。轉貼劍橋字典的用法示例:

A couple of people objected to the proposal, but the vast majority approved of it. 


回到 INSIDE 的譯文,應該怎麼翻譯比較好?




「.... 遠遠的領先你們」

We believe it's gonna take us a couple of years and we will be caught up. 



星期日, 2月 21, 2021


剛剛開 GQ 頻道看解說空戰的影片聽到一句台詞 "A resigned commander takes his fate, stone-cold closes his eyes." (一名準備辭職的指揮官準備接受命運,冷靜地閉上雙眼)

看到底下網友回文我才發現,原來 "resigned" 在這邊指的是「順從、不得不接受」之意 (accepting that something you do not like will happen because you cannot change it. - Cambridge Dictionary)。跟「辭職」之意沒有關係啊。


上網繼續查找 "resign" 的更多用法,The Free Dictionary 還有一些很有趣、實用的片語。

"resign oneself to" To accept that one must do, undertake, or endure something.

.... 屈就於 .... 坦然接受 ... 忍受....

I've resigned myself to the fact that I will be hated by my peers, but I stand by my decision to act as a whistleblower.

He once had artistic aspiration, but he's resigned himself to a career of office drudgery.

也可以表示非常不情願地接受的用法:(resign oneself to something to accept something reluctantly.)

I finally resigned myself to going to Mexico even though I didn't want to.

Mary resigned herself to her fate.


Youtube 頻道的 GQ 請各行各業退休人士上節目談話的單元真的是很有意思的企劃。太空人、戰鬥機駕駛、銀行搶匪更生人、職業賭徒、好萊塢燈光攝影師、B-Box 女性世界冠軍... 幾十分鐘的影片加上字幕,讓觀眾可以無壓力學會專業的英文詞彙,不知不覺間累積詞彙與用法,增強自己的英文實力。

