There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. -- Ernest Hemingway
星期三, 4月 13, 2005
We Chante a Soldier's Song (愛爾蘭國歌)
We'll sing a song, a soldier's song
With cheering, rousing chorus
As round our blazing fires we thong,
The starry heavens o'er us;
Impatient for the coming fight,
And as we wait the mornings lighthere in the silence of the night
We'll chant a soldier's song
Soldiers are we,whose lives are pledged to Ireland
Some have come from a land beyond the wave,
Born to be free,no more our ancient sireland
Shall shelter the despot than the slave;
Tonight we man the Bearna Baoghal
In Erin's cause.come woe or weal;
'Mid cannon's roar and rifle's peal
We'll chant a soldier's song.
Sinne Fianna Fáil,
Atá Fá gheall ag Éirinn,
Buidhean dár sluagh
tar rúinn do ráinig chughainn.
Fámhoídh bheírh saor,
Sean-tír ár sinnsear feasta
Ní fágfar fá'n tíorán ná fa'n tráil.
Anocht a theigeamh sa bhearna baoghail
Le gean ar Gaedhí chun báis nó saoghail,
Le gunna sgréach: Fá lamhach na piléar.
Seo Libh canaidh amhrán na bhFiann.
馬丁是我們系上的老師,是愛爾蘭籍滴,我想: 如果他聽到愛
爾蘭的國歌會不會感動落淚呢? 愛立克斯,教我唱吧!
張貼留言 (Atom)
最近剛好接觸到數字的英文翻譯,突然一時之間唸不出來,於是查了一下唸法: 比方說二的七次方: 英文唸成 "Two to the seventh power." 或是 "Two to the power of seven." ...
每年的這個時候約莫又是碩士班的入學考試,免不了的又會有些朋友來詢問翻譯研究所的問題,由於學弟抗議他被我美好的分享文騙進了翻譯所,我想還是把我觀察到的一些產業現況跟譯者生活的辛苦的那面與有志青年參考: 以下是走在翻譯(口筆譯)這條不歸路上常看到一些特徵: 一、 職業...
隨著研究所考試的告一段落,我想寫一篇關於喜歡英文的人可以參考的文章,供有志從事翻譯的朋友作為參考: 靠著翻譯維生的人一定要讀翻譯研究所嗎? 不進來也可以啊。我認識很多專業翻譯的人並非是英文系主修的。語言是一種像是開車、電腦或是游泳的技能,因為用途廣泛所以投資報...