We'll sing a song, a soldier's song
With cheering, rousing chorus
As round our blazing fires we thong,
The starry heavens o'er us;
Impatient for the coming fight,
And as we wait the mornings lighthere in the silence of the night
We'll chant a soldier's song
Soldiers are we,whose lives are pledged to Ireland
Some have come from a land beyond the wave,
Born to be free,no more our ancient sireland
Shall shelter the despot than the slave;
Tonight we man the Bearna Baoghal
In Erin's cause.come woe or weal;
'Mid cannon's roar and rifle's peal
We'll chant a soldier's song.
Sinne Fianna Fáil,
Atá Fá gheall ag Éirinn,
Buidhean dár sluagh
tar rúinn do ráinig chughainn.
Fámhoídh bheírh saor,
Sean-tír ár sinnsear feasta
Ní fágfar fá'n tíorán ná fa'n tráil.
Anocht a theigeamh sa bhearna baoghail
Le gean ar Gaedhí chun báis nó saoghail,
Le gunna sgréach: Fá lamhach na piléar.
Seo Libh canaidh amhrán na bhFiann.
歌詞來源: http://home.earthlink.net/~laurieyoung/anthem.html#Both
馬丁是我們系上的老師,是愛爾蘭籍滴,我想: 如果他聽到愛
爾蘭的國歌會不會感動落淚呢? 愛立克斯,教我唱吧!