Jeremy elabrates on this problem, and wrote "They Don't Care About Us":
中 科四期落腳彰化二林,其附近是有台灣米倉之稱的稻米重要產銷專區,濁水溪的水資源更是灌溉出全台數一數二的西螺與溪湖果菜市場,彰雲兩縣的沿海更是有產 值數十億的養殖漁業,包括外銷的台灣鯛與著名的王功牡蠣等。中科四期的廢水排放設計草率,可能讓沿海養殖漁業全毀,蔬果稻米染毒,縣民五次北上陳情,卻換 來環評委員會擱置爭議,仍是有條件通過中科四期開發案,...
Central Taiwan Science Park fourth stage expansion project is going to be situated in Erlin, Chunhwa. However, the this area is also known as “The Bread Basket of Taiwan”, which is famous for its quality rice. Nearby, Jhuoshuei River supports the two biggest vegetables and fruit markets, Siluo and Sihu Markets. The haphazard design of water treatment system in Central Taiwan Science Park could very likely ruin the aquaculture along Chunghwa and Yulin County coastline which generates billions of NT dollars, and seriously contaminates farmland andwaters containing Taiwan tilapia fish and Wanggong oysters which are exported internationally.
Citizens from those areas went to Taipei to appeal a case to stop this project fom continuing for five times. Despite their efforts, Advisory Council on the Environment Environmental Impact Assessment Subcommittee descided to go ahead anyway, and approve the Central Taiwan Science Park fourth stage expansion project in some terms.
The blogger Munch, points out how IT industry works in Taiwan on his blog:
中 科四期的問題,不是通過與阻擋的戲局,它不是開始,也不會是最終,因為台灣高科技產業,其實只是高級代工產業,權充國際生產鍊的高等加工廠。當無法在設計 與行銷創造獨特,依賴產品代工的生產,在科技產業低利潤的年代,只能不斷擴廠,開發更多的科技園區,以量能來彌補不足,然後在高產都無法創造利潤,最後就 是移轉投資、整廠遷移,留下的是已遭破壞的土地。
The problem we have faced on CTSP, is more than just a game to let it pass or not. It’s not the beginning nor the end. In fact, what Taiwan so-called high technology industry, is actually high-tech subcontractor fulfilling the extra work in the international chain supply. When they fail in the origional engineering design and maketing, those who work on extra works in the low-profit high technology will have to expand exponentially, to build more Science Parks and to increase capacity in quantity. Eventually, those subcontractors will shut down their companies and reinvest their money in other places. What will be left behind is a totally polluted land in the end.
Chyng, who is a ecological reporter, also writes on her blog 我們甚至失去了黃昏,
彰 化縣府的安置措施相當草率。相思寮〈中科四期的預定地〉將被徵收土地的居民多達21戶、超過2百人,但彰縣府目前只找到6間共183坪的房子,「聽說 18號就要動 工,是要我們住哪裡?」但彰縣府認為沒有問題等到102年開發完成時,待二林精密機械園區開發後會有宿舍,被徵收土地的居民將可以「短期租賃」。...
The resetltement plans made by Chunghwa County government is rather inadequate. Siangsihliao, one of where the CTSP 4th stage expansion site. There are 21 households and more than two hundred of people there. So far, Chunghwa County government has only found six houses and 6588 square feet. “I have heard it will start on Nov 18th , but where are we going to live?” asks one local. But Chunghwa County think that it is not a problem after Erlin Precision Machinery Park will be developed in 2013. At that time, locals who lost their homes will be able to “rent for a short period of time”.
On the other hand, a response to a peaceful march against the CTSP 4th project. Ouli (歐力), he wrotes:
我 是一個中年彰化農民,坐四望五之年,心中一直有一個疑惑,每一個父母希忘自己的孩子書念得好,將來有競爭力,可以進入高科技廠就業(就是你們反對的對 象),有一個穩定的收入,有一個平安幸福的一生,幾乎沒有人希望自己的孩子回家務農,因為工作辛苦收入少得可憐,這是父母的看法。
I’m a farmer in Chunghwa. I’m forty something and I can’t help wondering that parents would ask their children to focus on their studies. Then, they will be competitive in getting a job in a high technology company, which you guys strongly oppose. To have a stable job, and to lead a happy life ever after. Nobody wants their kids to come back home and farm. Because it is painstaking and low-end. That's what parents concern.
是的,農村不快樂, 當你們年輕人響應「聲援農村」行動時,有沒有想過,自己將來是回家務農還是投入其他收入較穩定的職場?你們的熱心關懷自身所處的土地, 歐力上我百分之百支持,但是如果你不想回歸農村,又基於環保理念反對產業,將來台灣將空有荒廢的土地,而沒有產業,身為未來台灣社會舞台主角的你們,將如 何自處?
Yes, the farmers are not happy. But when you young people launch a action to support agriculture, have you ever wondered are you going to work on a farm or rather in a stable office? I’m fully support your ideas, which shows great concerns about our land. But, if you oppose this industries due to ecological reasons while you don’t want to return to farm for a living, in the future, Taiwan will have empty land without any industries. Where will become of Taiwan in the future?
According to the the Council of Agriculture (農委會), the CTSP 4th project will not be stopped despite the fact there will be a possible water table drop and ground sinkage problem, pollution, and affect the local farmer’s livehood. Meanwhile, ecological groups stand together on this issue and have a joint lawsuit against Enviornment Protection Agency (EPA).
GVers in Taiwan will also continue to keep a close eye on these issues.
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