以上是跟艾瑞兒在MSN上聊天提到關於同學會召集的各項方針。當然是開玩笑的。比方說想出 "排班打電話請沒到的人半夜起床上廁所 "、" 得罪班上25人沒關係,還有另外25個"之類的。實際上而言呢,颱風這次的到來讓原本可以參加的馬機、艾牡蠣林、艾牡蠣鄭、坎迪斯、羅迪克貴還有許慧欣小姐等人延後一周沒辦法來。這讓動員分布在全台灣的召集人很傷腦筋。ANYWAY, 第一次舉辦參加人數: 9/50人。
最佳出席: 模擬卡(從台南專程上來)
下次應該會在台中場OR 高雄場舉辦吧,我想。
"Always take the reunion as the last time you hold it"
"For ture classmates only"
"If you can't make it this time, forget about the next time"
These are the strategies I proposed to Airal on MSN. Of course I'm just kidding. For example "rotating to make phone calls(harass) to those who don't attend the reunion in the middle of night","Feel free to offend the 25 of the class, for we still got the other 25" Acturally, the hurricane KROSA made Maggie, Emily Lin, Emily Zon, Candice, Rodick and Angela Cho unble to attend. This made it very difficult for me to mobilize the classmates. Voila, this is it. 9 classmates out of 50. Monica came from Tainan, she came long way for the class reunion.
Next time maybe it's more appropriate to hold the reunion in Taichung or Kaohsiung, I think.
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