Why this time reunion held in Taipei, and happen to be on Sun, Oct 7th?
A: 會選在台北市,是因為在台北工作的同學遠比想像中的多。幾乎登高一呼提議出來就有七八位同學確定可以參加。選十月七號存粹只是挑一個幾個朋友有空的日子而已。在這邊得向中南部的同學說聲Sorry, 如果明年小弟有幸舉辦的話,也希望能夠吸取這次的經驗,能夠辦一個以南部為中心點出發的聚會。
Q: Because we have 7 or more classmates working or living in Taipei, that is more than expected. Oct 7th is a good day for many people, too. We can't meet everyone's demand, and have to say sorry to those who live in the south of Taiwan. If possible, I will hold a reunion like this in Tainan or Kaohsiung next year.
Q: 為什麼會選那家店 ?
Why is that shop?
A: 場地是Maggie 推薦的,根據實地勘查經驗,離捷運站近,方便交通,菜色也不錯,東西合璧,更重要的是可以包場地,不會有開同學會開到一半,有人被關在門外排隊等吃飯的窘境。
A: Maggie picks up the place for us. According to what she had seen, the shop is located near the MRT station and is very convenient for us. The food combines the East and the West delicious cuisine. More important, the shop allow us make a resevation in advance. In that case, nobody has to queue up while others are having lunch.
Q: 台中市會不會是個好選擇?
Will Taichung be a better place for the reunion?
A: 能夠在台中舉辦的話是在好也不過了,因為小弟就住在隔壁的苗栗。不過要考量沒有交通工具的情況下,只能在台中火車站商圈附近選擇地點。而且我們班的台中人只有丹妮,目前暫時無法確定她籌畫或參與的意願。只能說台中或許可以做為下次班會地點的參考。
A: It dosen't get any better than this if the reunion is held in Taichung for I juse live in Miao-li, where is near Taichung. But we can only choose the shops near the train station, and we only got Pandora who lives in Taichung. For the moment I have no ideas she's willing to plan or not. In that case, MAYBE it's a good idea to hold the reunion in Taichung next time.
Are professors coming?
A: 目前馬丁電話中回答說不一定,我會再威迫利誘進行道德勸說。芭芭拉老師因為行程滿檔確定不會參加。高更路克老師我已經發MAIL給他了了。也連絡執秘那邊,有高更老師的電話的人歡迎提供一下....禮拜二會確定老師們會不會參加。
A: Dr. Martin said maybe, I will keep on persuading him. Professor Barbara is not coming becasue she has made plans already. I had written an E-mail to Luke, and contacted executive Tsai. I will make sure on Tue.
Q: 既然高更老師無法確定參加,上面那張 I WANT YOU 怎麼來的 ?
Since you cannnot make sure professor Luke is coming or not, how did you get the picture?
A: PhotoshopTM 是萬能的。
Q:Piece of cake to mighty Photoshop.
Q: 我很想參加,可是真的沒辦法,怎麼辦?
Q: I'd like to participate, but I can't make it. What should I do?
A: 你可以留下你的網誌、部落格、網路相簿,伊妹爾等聯絡方式。藉由大家一起交換近況,開一場網路同學會。10/7號以後,小弟也會放上本次活動的照片、影像、活動花絮,讓大家交流一下。
A: Feel free to leave you Blog, photo album, E-mail, everything. By exchanging information, we could have a reunion on the internet. After Oct.7 I will upload the photos and videos to let people who cannot join us know!
*已知的部落格如下: 閃亮小綠部屋(Julysixpay)、秀外惠中(Carol0619) 、庭羽(VickyStacy)、潘朵拉(Pandora)、你夠了(NicAnts)、阿貴(RoddickSu)、狐狸窩 (Yupo1009),阿水(YiChwen)不想公開或是有更多同學資訊想要分享的,請按這裡或是寄信給我,我會第一時間增加/移除。
(These are the blogs and photo albums of our dear classmates so far)
我知道這有點難度 因為畢竟同學們分布在台灣個各角落 時間跟距離等等個個因素可能沒辦法到 不過相信這一次有參與的同學一定會感到很興奮的 因為大家很久沒見到彼此 一定有很多事情可以跟大家分享.......謝謝囉!!
玉婷在伊利諾. 慧君聽說去美國了.小武去芝加哥 ? 書妏在對岸, 還有神秘的桃樂斯、消失的Jessie,好多人在還沒搶灘登陸就已經KIA 了... 或許過幾年大家"事業"比較穩定了再辦會更多人?